Results for 'Kees van Vliet'

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  1.  47
    Boekbesprekingen.A. H. C. van Eijk, Eric Ottenheijm, Paul van Geest, H. Goris, Daniela Müller, C. T. M. [Kees] van Vliet, Ton Meijers, Veerle Fraeters, J. Vijgen, A. Brants, R. Welten, Giorgio Baruchello & Carlo Leget - 2002 - Bijdragen 63 (4):494-508.
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    Boekbesprekingen.Sean McEvenue, Theo de Kruijf, C. C. M. de Lange, Bart J. Koet, Marcel Poorthuis, Hanneke Reuling, Martin Parmentier, Jörgen Vijgen, Th Bell, Marcel Sarot, Kees van Vliet, A. H. C. van Eijk, Eric Ottenheijm, Jean-Jacques Suurmond & Arie L. Molendijk - 2000 - Bijdragen 61 (3):336-357.
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    An Existentialist Approach to the Social Psychology of Fairness.Kees van Den Bos - 2004 - In Jeff Greenberg, Sander Leon Koole & Thomas A. Pyszczynski, Handbook of Experimental Existential Psychology. Guilford Press.
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  4. Assessing the Incremental Algorithm: A Response to Krahmer et al.Kees van Deemter, Albert Gatt, Ielka van der Sluis & Richard Power - 2012 - Cognitive Science 36 (5):842-845.
    This response discusses the experiment reported in Krahmer et al.’s Letter to the Editor of Cognitive Science. We observe that their results do not tell us whether the Incremental Algorithm is better or worse than its competitors, and we speculate about implications for reference in complex domains, and for learning from ‘‘normal” (i.e., non-semantically-balanced) corpora.
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    The Haskell Road to Logic, Maths and Programming.Kees Doets & Jan van Eijck - 2004 - Texts in Computing.
    Long ago, when Alexander the Great asked the mathematician Menaechmus for a crash course in geometry, he got the famous reply ``There is no royal road to mathematics.'' Where there was no shortcut for Alexander, there is no shortcut for us. Still, the fact that we have access to computers and mature programming languages means that there are avenues for us that were denied to the kings and emperors of yore. The purpose of this book is to teach logic and (...)
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  6. Ambiguity and idiosyncratic interpretation.van Deemter Kees - 1998 - Journal of Semantics 15 (1).
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    The New Edition of K.E. Løgstrup's The Ethical Demand.Kees van Kooten Niekerk - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (4):415-426.
  8.  47
    Reminders of behavioral disinhibition increase public conformity in the Asch paradigm and behavioral affiliation with ingroup members.Kees van den Bos, E. A. Lind, Jeroen Bommelé & Sebastian D. J. VandeVondele - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Reference Production as Search: The Impact of Domain Size on the Production of Distinguishing Descriptions.Gatt Albert, Krahmer Emiel, van Deemter Kees & P. G. van Gompel Roger - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S6):1459-1492.
    When producing a description of a target referent in a visual context, speakers need to choose a set of properties that distinguish it from its distractors. Computational models of language production/generation usually model this as a search process and predict that the time taken will increase both with the number of distractors in a scene and with the number of properties required to distinguish the target. These predictions are reminiscent of classic findings in visual search; however, unlike models of reference (...)
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    Gramsci and Left Managerialism.Kees van der Pijl - 2005 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 8 (4):499-511.
    Abstract This essay argues that one way of understanding Gramsci today is as an organic intellectual of a class of managerial cadre which develops in advanced capitalism. With the growth of monopolistic structures and a deepening state role in capitalist society, a separate class of mediating functionaries emerges, entrusted with managerial tasks in running the economy and the state. The problems of conquering power from the perspective of this ?new middle class? that concerned Gramsci, were also those of the neo?Machiavellian (...)
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  11.  2
    Adam Smith.Jan van Vliet - 2024 - Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing Company.
    Adam Smith's religion drove his prescriptions for a virtuous humanity and a free and flourishing society. Jan Van Vliet examines how the practical implications of these strike a common chord with Scripture.
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  12.  21
    And another thing... Poverty, affluence and books: Voices from Zimbabwe.Jan Kees van de Werk - 1992 - Logos 3 (1):54-56.
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    Die Aktualität Ernst Cassirers in Frankreich.Muriel Van Vliet - 2009 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2009 (2):61-67.
    The paper reviews Cassirer's recent reception in France and takes two international meetings in Rennes and Paris as an opportunity to determine current research interests in this area. A striking feature of French concern is the stress on art historical contextualization of Cassirer's thought (Riegl, Wolfflin, Panofsky).
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    Morphologie, Transformation und Übersetzbarkeit.Muriel Van Vliet - 2019 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2019 (1):21-43.
    The comparison of Ernst Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms and Levi-Strauss’ structural anthropology requires a clarification of their definitions of morphology, transformation and translatability. We will expose the morphological field where Cassirer’s aesthetics emerges in relation to Goethe, who represents an important source for Levi-Strauss as well. Defining the concept of transformation is supposed to follow his modifications of the key ideas of the German poet and biologist, by taking account of the new point of view provided by the theory (...)
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  15. Die Verflechtung von Natur und Kultur. Morphologie, Biologie und Ästhetik bei Ernst Cassirer und Tim Ingold.Muriel van Vliet - 2017 - In Christian Möckel, Pellegrino Favuzzi, Yosuke Hamada, Timo Klattenhoff & Viola Nordsieck, Symbol und Leben: Grundlinien einer Philosophie der Kultur und Gesellschaft: Festschrift für Christian Möckel. Berlin: Logos Verlag Berlin.
  16.  13
    L'anthropologie de l'art: voyage esthétique à la rencontre des cultures.Muriel Van Vliet - 2023 - Rennes: Éditions Apogée.
    L'anthropologie de l'art est une discipline relativement récente, qui naît au carrefour de plusieurs sciences humaines à la fin du XIXe siècle et qui se développe au XXe siècle jusqu'à connaître sa floraison actuelle. On entend par ce terme les études qui traitent de l'art par le prisme de la diversité des cultures, donc constamment tourné vers d'autres formes telles que le langage, le rituel, la technique et la science avec lesquelles il interagit. Cet ouvrage aborde des œuvres qui ont (...)
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    Living water in Ezekiel 47: How eco-hermeneutics raise climate awareness among Christian youth.Geke van Vliet - 2024 - HTS Theological Studies 80 (2):7.
    This article examined the role of biblical interpretation amid the world’s water crisis. It aimed to make biblical texts accessible to non-specialist readers by using several methods of interpretation. The methods used were a combination of biblical interpretation, revisionist ecological hermeneutics and empirical research in the form of interviews with young adults in the Anglican Church in South Africa. This combination was applied to the role of water in Ezekiel 47. It showed that while traditional biblical interpretation is important for (...)
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  18.  22
    Michel Foucault als Leser Ernst Cassirers.Muriel van Vliet - 2018 - In Stefan Niklas & Thiemo Breyer, Ernst Cassirer in Systematischen Beziehungen: Zur Kritisch-Kommunikativen Bedeutung Seiner Kulturphilosophie. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 283-302.
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    Postcolonial Remainders: Revisiting the Trace from the Standpoint of the Anthropocene.Netta van Vliet - 2021 - Oxford Literary Review 43 (2):249-267.
    This article responds to Srinivas Aravamudan's call to revisit the notion of the trace from the standpoint of the Anthropocene. A Derridean understanding of the trace shows how postcolonial difference challenges the humanist distinction between human and nature by questioning the distinction between life and death that is central to metaphysics. This discussion thus reframes the prospect of extinction signaled by the Anthropocene by means of a return to a Marxist, feminist, psychoanalytic and deconstructive trajectory within postcolonial thought.
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  20. Tracing the Devotio Moderna in the Netherlands and Bohemia as a Spiritual Manifestation and a Beginning of Educational Progression.P. van Vliet - 1989 - Acta Comeniana 8:61-71.
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  21.  50
    The Mysterious Ethics of High-Frequency Trading.Ricky Cooper, Michael Davis & Ben Van Vliet - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (1):1-22.
    ABSTRACT:The ethics of high frequency trading are obscure, due in part to the complexity of the practice. This article contributes to the existing literature of ethics in financial markets by examining a recent trend in regulation in high frequency trading, the prohibition of deception. We argue that in the financial markets almost any regulation, other than the most basic, tends to create a moral hazard and increase information asymmetry. Since the market’s job is, at least in part, price discovery, we (...)
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  22.  33
    Deconstructing Zionism: A Critique of Political Metaphysics. Ed. Gianni Vattimo and Michael Marder. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. 208 pp. [REVIEW]Netta van Vliet - 2016 - Critical Inquiry 42 (2):412-414.
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    Situated and Historized Making Sense of Meaning: Implications for Radicalization.Beatrice A. De Graaf & Kees van den Bos - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (1):59-62.
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    Health-based risk adjustment: Improving the pharmacy-based cost group model by adding diagnostic cost groups.Femmeke J. Prinsze & Renéc Ja van Vliet - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (4):469-480.
  25.  20
    Health-Based Risk Adjustment: Improving the Pharmacy-Based Cost Group Model by Adding Diagnostic Cost Groups.J. Prinsze Femmeke & C. J. A. van Vliet René - 2007 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 44 (4):469-480.
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  26. Prior use of durable medical equipment as a risk adjuster for health-based capitation.Richard C. van Kleef & René Cj A. van Vliet - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (4):343-358.
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    Prior Use of Durable Medical Equipment as a Risk Adjuster for Health-Based Capitation.Richard C. van Kleef & René C. J. A. van Vliet - 2010 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 47 (4):343-358.
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    Communications: The Transnational Ruling Class Formation Thesis: A Symposium.Michael Mann, Giovanni Arrighi, Jason W. Moore, Robert Went, Kees Van Der Pijl, William I. Robinson, Guglielmo Carchedi, Fred Moseley & David Laibman - 2001 - Science and Society 65 (4):464-533.
  29.  34
    Prosocial Compensation Following a Service Failure: Fulfilling an Organization’s Ethical and Philanthropic Responsibilities.Jean-Pierre Thomassen, Marijke C. Leliveld, Kees Ahaus & Steven Van de Walle - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (1):123-147.
    Prosocial compensation is a corporate social responsibility practice that involves donating money to a charitable cause on behalf of customers as a means to compensate them for their loss after a service failure. In order to determine the effectiveness of PC, we carried out three experiments while also comparing its effectiveness within private and public settings. Experiment 1 focused on the signaling effects of communicating the promise to offer PC to potential customers in the event of service failure. Results show (...)
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  30.  97
    Ethics, Finance, and Automation: A Preliminary Survey of Problems in High Frequency Trading. [REVIEW]Michael Davis, Andrew Kumiega & Ben Van Vliet - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):851-874.
    All of finance is now automated, most notably high frequency trading. This paper examines the ethical implications of this fact. As automation is an interdisciplinary endeavor, we argue that the interfaces between the respective disciplines can lead to conflicting ethical perspectives; we also argue that existing disciplinary standards do not pay enough attention to the ethical problems automation generates. Conflicting perspectives undermine the protection those who rely on trading should have. Ethics in finance can be expanded to include organizational and (...)
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  31.  58
    Not exactly: in praise of vagueness.Kees van Deemter - 2010 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Our lives are full of inexactitude. We say a person is tall or an action is just without the precision of measurement on a dial. In this engaging account, Kees van Deemter explores vagueness, cutting across areas such as language, mathematical logic, and computing. He considers why vagueness is inherent, and why it is important in how we function.
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  32.  42
    Routine outcome monitoring and feedback on physical or mental health status: evidence and theory.Ingrid Ve Carlier, Denise Meuldijk, Irene M. Van Vliet, Esther Van Fenema, Nic Ja van der Wee & Frans G. Zitman - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (1):104-110.
  33.  36
    Patients’ views on using human embryonic stem cells to treat Parkinson’s disease: an interview study.Mats Hansson, Elena Jiltsova, Jennifer Viberg Johansson, Trinette Van Vliet, Håkan Widner, Dag Nyholm & Jennifer Drevin - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-10.
    BackgroundHuman embryonic stem cells as a source for the development of advanced therapy medicinal products are considered for treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Research has shown promising results and opened an avenue of great importance for patients who currently lack a disease modifying therapy. The use of hESC has given rise to moral concerns and been the focus of often heated debates on the moral status of human embryos. Approval for marketing is still pending.ObjectiveTo Investigate the perspectives and concerns of patients (...)
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  34. Utility and Language Generation: The Case of Vagueness.Kees van Deemter - 2009 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 38 (6):607 - 632.
    This paper asks why information should ever be expressed vaguely, re-assessing some previously proposed answers to this question and suggesting some new ones. Particular attention is paid to the benefits that vague expressions can have in situations where agreement over the meaning of an expression cannot be taken for granted. A distinction between two different versions of the above-mentioned question is advocated. The first asks why human languages contain vague expressions, the second question asks when and why a speaker should (...)
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    Patients accept therapy using embryonic stem cells for Parkinson’s disease: a discrete choice experiment.Jennifer Viberg Johansson, Mats Hansson, Elena Jiltsova, Trinette van Vliet, Hakan Widner, Dag Nyholm, Jorien Veldwijk, Catharina Groothuis-Oudshoorn, Jennifer Drevin & Karin Schölin Bywall - 2023 - BMC Medical Ethics 24 (1):1-13.
    BackgroundNew disease-modifying ways to treat Parkinson’s disease (PD) may soon become a reality with intracerebral transplantation of cell products produced from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). The aim of this study was to assess what factors influence preferences of patients with PD regarding stem-cell based therapies to treat PD in the future.MethodsPatients with PD were invited to complete a web-based discrete choice experiment to assess the importance of the following attributes: (i) type of treatment, (ii) aim of treatment, (iii) available (...)
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    Bookreviews.P. C. Beentjes, M. Parmentier, C. van Vliet, J. Vijgen, S. Hennecke, A. H. C. van Eijk, P. Schotsmans, M. Moyaert, H. J. Adriaanse, A. L. Molendijk & H. Strijards - 2004 - Bijdragen 65 (2):241-251.
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    Bookreviews.P. C. Beentjes, Hans Lammers, R. Bieringer, Martin Parmentier, Bart J. Koet, C. T. M. van Vliet, Rob Faesen, Arie L. Molendijk, Walter Van Herck & Pascal Borry - 2005 - Bijdragen 66 (4):458-471.
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    Dynamic impact indentation of hydrated biological tissues and tissue surrogate gels.Z. Ilke Kalcioglu, Meng Qu, Kenneth E. Strawhecker, Tarek Shazly, Elazer Edelman, Mark R. VanLandingham, James F. Smith & Krystyn J. Van Vliet - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (7-9):1339-1355.
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    Differential Effects of Parietal and Cerebellar Stroke in Response to Object Location Perturbation.Trudy A. Pelton, Alan M. Wing, Dagmar Fraser & Paulette van Vliet - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  40.  23
    Costs in the Last Year of Life in the Netherlands.Tom Stooker, Joost W. van Acht, Erik M. van Barneveld, René C. J. A. van Vliet, Ben A. van Hout, Dick J. Hessing & Jan J. V. Busschbach - 2001 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 38 (1):73-80.
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    Risk-Adjusting the Doughnut Hole to Improve Efficiency and Equity.Richard C. van Kleef, Wynand Pmm van de Ven & René Cja van Vliet - 2011 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 48 (4):313-321.
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  42.  41
    Forward references in natural language.Kees Van Deemter - 1990 - Journal of Semantics 7 (3):281-300.
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  43.  79
    Historicising the International: Modes of Foreign Relations and Political Economy.Kees van der Pijl - 2010 - Historical Materialism 18 (2):3-34.
    This paper is based on the Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial-Prize Lecture given at SOAS in London, on 27 November 2009. It claims that Marxism remains built around a critique of political economy but lacks a parallel critique of international relations. IR naturalises the organisation of inter-state relations along lines comparable to the naturalisation of the capitalist economy by economics. The paper argues that the disciplinary organisation of Western academia is part of the class-discipline in society at large. It was (...)
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  44.  36
    A logical analysis of instrumentality judgments: means-end relations in the context of experience and expectations.Kees van Berkel, Timothy Lyon & Matteo Pascucci - 2023 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 (5):1475 - 1516.
    This article proposes the use of temporal logic for an analysis of instrumentality inspired by the work of G.H. von Wright. The first part of the article contains the philosophical foundations. We discuss von Wright’s general theory of agency and his account of instrumentality. Moreover, we propose several refinements to this framework via rigorous definitions of the core notions involved. In the second part, we develop a logical system called Temporal Logic of Action and Expectations (TLAE). The logic is inspired (...)
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  45.  9
    The Neuroscience of Suicidal Behavior.Kees van Heeringen - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    Nearly one million people take their own lives each year world-wide - however, contrary to popular belief, suicide can be prevented. While suicide is commonly thought to be an understandable reaction to severe stress, it is actually an abnormal reaction to regular situations. Something more than unbearable stress is needed to explain suicide, and neuroscience shows what this is, how it is caused and how it can be treated. Professor Kees van Heeringen describes findings from neuroscientific research on suicide, (...)
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  46.  53
    Vagueness Facilitates Search.Kees van Deemter - unknown
    Two questions dominate theoretical research on vagueness. The first is of a logical-semantic nature: What formal models offer the best understanding of vagueness? Many answers to this question have been proposed (e.g. [1], [2] for an overview), but none of these has found general acceptance so far. The second question is of a pragmatic nature and asks Why is language vague? This question has been asked forcefully by the economist Barton Lipman, who has shown that some seemingly plausible answers resist (...)
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  47. Toward a Computational Psycholinguistics of Reference Production.Kees van Deemter, Albert Gatt, Roger P. G. van Gompel & Emiel Krahmer - 2012 - Topics in Cognitive Science 4 (2):166-183.
    This article introduces the topic ‘‘Production of Referring Expressions: Bridging the Gap between Computational and Empirical Approaches to Reference’’ of the journal Topics in Cognitive Science. We argue that computational and psycholinguistic approaches to reference production can benefit from closer interaction, and that this is likely to result in the construction of algorithms that differ markedly from the ones currently known in the computational literature. We focus particularly on determinism, the feature of existing algorithms that is perhaps most clearly at (...)
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  48.  54
    Higher-order Logic.Johan van Benthem & Kees Doets - 1989 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 54 (3):1090-1092.
  49. Finetuning NLG through experiments with human subjects: The case of vague descriptions.Kees van Deemter - unknown
    This discussion paper describes a sequence of experiments with human subjects aimed at finding out how an nlg system should choose between the different forms of a gradable adjective. This case study highlights some general questions that one faces when trying to base nlg systems on empirical evidence: one question is what task to set a subject so as to obtain the most useful information about that subject, another question has to do with differences between subjects.
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  50. The Varieties of Ought-implies-Can and Deontic STIT Logic.Kees van Berkel & Tim Lyon - 2013 - In Sergei Artemov & Anil Nerode, Logical Foundations of Computer Science (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7734). Springer.
    STIT logic is a prominent framework for the analysis of multi-agent choice-making. In the available deontic extensions of STIT, the principle of Ought-implies-Can (OiC) fulfills a central role. However, in the philosophical literature a variety of alternative OiC interpretations have been proposed and discussed. This paper provides a modular framework for deontic STIT that accounts for a multitude of OiC readings. In particular, we discuss, compare, and formalize ten such readings. We provide sound and complete sequent-style calculi for all of (...)
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